Simple Elegance July 20 2014
This beautiful bride from Santa Barbara was imagining a very personal and intimate wedding with only their closest friends. She wanted the invitation to reflect the simple elegance of the wedding. She requested beautiful smooth 100 % cotton paper with a pearl white color. She was drawn to the symbolism of the Fleur De Lis. However she wanted to make sure that everything was representative of both her and her fiancé's style. She chose a milk chocolate brown to represent the masculine side but also because they both love chocolate cake. In French, fleur de lis literally means "lily flower" The lily was claimed to have sprung from the tears shed by Eve as she left Eden. The lily of the valley, was said to have grown from the tears of the Virgin at the foot of the Cross. From earliest records, it was the flower of Hera, the Greek moon goddess. It has been the symbol of purity and strength. This is a perfect symbol for a couple to use to represent their union together in marriage.